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Actor Hanuman Died – fell from a height of almost 50 feet in Rajasthan

Artist Hanuman Death - fell from a height of almost 50 feet in Rajasthan

In this new hi-tech era, audience wants something new in Ramlilas that’s why people are trying to do stunts and special effects in Ramlila acts but artist’s lives are often jeopardized by these stunts. Something like this has happened with a Hanuman in the Ramlila of Bikaner, Rajasthan.

Just a night before Dussehra, Bikaner Ramlila Community was playing act of “Hanumanji bringing Sanjivani booti” and on the spot, Dhanna Ram Dellu age 61, who was playing the character of Hanuman in Ramlila died in Bikaner.

According to sources, Bikaner Ramlila Community had been doing this Ramlila for the last 50 years and Dhanna Ram had been performing Hanuman role for the last 10 years.On the night of October 10, he was ready to bring Sanjeevani Booti, a herb that gives life to dead Lakshman in the play and to perform this stunt, the specialized stunt man created a mechanism of a rope to lift the Hanuman in the air. They created it almost 50 feet. Dhanna Ram started to perform his act on that rope.When he reached more than halfway,  he slipped from the rope and fell from a height of almost 50 feet. A cut out of Ravana too was pulled down. The entire tragedy was caught on video camera.

Police Said, the scene was to be shown on Monday. The preparations were completed. At night dressed as Hanuman Dannaram arrived On the roof of that building. After that, he started to fly from one building to other building, But in between, high speed impaired his balance, and he fell from a height of almost 50 feet in a single stroke.He was rushed to a hospital where doctors declared him dead. This tragedy of Ramlila left everyone shocked in the Loonkaransar town where he had a lot of fan following. At several places, many communities cancelled Dussehra celebrations as a mark of respect to the Dhanna Ram who was cremated today.

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