Dhoni!!! Dhoni Dhoni!!!..”MS Dhoni finishes off in style, a magnificent strike into the crowd.India lifts the world cup after 28 years and it is an Indian captain who’s been absolutely magnificent in the night of the final.”
While I am writing this I can still feel the goosebumps from that magical night at Wankhede stadium when a billion dreams sprung to life with that hit from the bat of our very own MS Dhoni Well, now that real life moment has been recreated into reel life.Yes, we are talking about the most anticipated Bollywood movie of the year MS Dhoni- the untold story.It is a biopic on the life of the captain of Indian cricket team Mahendra Singh Dhoni starring Sushant Singh Rajput as MS Dhoni along with veteran actor Anupam Kher, Disha Patani and Kiara Advani also playing important roles.MS Dhoni-The Untold Story has been creating all the hype in the world with everyone eager to know more about the life of their favourite captain and we will tell you if it’s worth all the hype or not.
Latest Film : MS Dhoni-The Untold Story
Sushant Sing Rajput as Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Disha Patani as Priyanka Jha (Dhoni’s ex-girlfriend)
Kiara Advani as Sakshi Dhoni (wife of Dhoni)
Anupam Kher as Pan Singh (Dhoni’s father)
Bhumika Chawla as Jayanti Gupta (Dhoni’s sister)
Rajesh Sharma as Dhoni’s coach
Director: Neeraj Pandey
Language: 100% Hindi
Released on: 30th September 2016
Famous Song: Kon Tujhe
Rating: 3 /5 ⋆⋆⋆
“The man you know…the journey you don’t”
As the name of the movie reveals the story revolves around the protagonist Mahendra Singh Dhoni.The movie follows the incredible journey of M.S Dhoni right from his childhood to his becoming the most successful captain India has ever produced in the history of cricket.This movie reveals many personal and professional aspects of Dhoni’s life which the public is unaware of until now.This story is about a kid who wants to be a cricketer but faces typical problems an average child face while choosing it as a career option.Dhoni as a kid was more into football but one day he is sent to play a cricket match by his football club where he impresses the coach by his wicket keeping skills and from there on his road to dream starts.Dhoni is like an average Indian kid who dreams of playing cricket for India but is forced to concentrate on studies by his parents to secure a typical job.Until now Dhoni seems like an ordinary kid but as we know that our captain cool is different he chooses to walk his own path.He tries to balance things by trying to keep his parents happy and meanwhile following his passion for cricket.He is able to get a job in Indian railway and seems to live a regular life until he decides to do what makes him happy and the things started to change for him.He started to dedicate equal time to job and cricket practice.One day he decides that he can’t manage job and cricket at the same time and he decides to quit his job and concentrate on cricket only.He faced many hardships while pursuing his dream such as on one occasion he was denied selection into the team as another candidate who was close to the official was selected in his place even though Dhoni was more deserving.Dhoni did not let this to dishearten him and he continued to work hard and chase his dream.Gradually Dhoni’s game was getting bigger and better and he was excelling in the game at various levels.Finally, he was selected in the Indian Nation cricket team.Even he had a debut to forget, he went on to become one of the best batsmen to serve India, becoming captain of the team in the process.It also reveals the romantic side of Dhoni.Before getting married to Sakshi, he was in love with another girl but unfortunately could not marry him.His journey reaches it’s climax on the night of the final of odi cricket world cup 2011 when he lead India to world cup glory thus ending the endless wait of 28 years of the entire nation for the trophy.
The movie is beautifully shot and is very believable.The audience can immediately relate them to the movie and it remains the same way till the end.The movie does not try to glorify M.S Dhoni but they simply presented his story, which the audiance is unaware of in the most realistic way.The scene of the final match is so mesmerizing that you can’t help getting overwhelmed by its brilliance.It’s purely magical.Even when I am writing about it I can still feel my heart beating vigorously.But the movie fails to keep the same momentum of excitement in the second half.For those who were waiting to know the secrets of Dhoni’s life will be left hugely disappointed.People were hoping to know about some interesting stories inside the Indian dressing room but nothing of such sort happens.Dhoni’s teammates are shown in quick flashes which make the audience feel let down.
The movie fails to keep the same momentum of excitement in the second half.For those who were waiting to know the secrets of Dhoni’s life will be left hugely disappointed.People were hoping to know about some interesting stories inside the Indian dressing room but nothing of such sort happens.Dhoni’s teammates are shown in quick flashes which make the audience feel let down.There are no scenes of Dhoni with his teammates, except Yuvraj Singh.The love songs are over dramatic which diminishes the charisma of a genius captain and reduces him to a typical Bollywood hero.The movie fails to explore deep into Dhoni’s life as the fans were expecting it will.
Sushant Singh Rajput :
We have nothing but praise for the talented actor.He has worked so hard for the movie and it has paid off.He has lived the character of M.S Dhoni.The similarity is so spontaneous that in some scenes it is almost impossible to tell whether it is Sushant or Dhoni himself.He had trained for about 18 months with former Indian cricket player Kiran More and the effort has certainly bore fruits.He has exactly managed to copy the famous Helicopter shot of the captain and you can not tell the difference between the real and reel life Dhoni.His way of walking, talking, manners and looks are so similar to Dhoni that it seems that no other actor could have played the character better than Sushant.Hats off to him for playing a near perfect role.
Anupam Kher :
The veteran actor can hardly put a foot wrong, such are his acting skills.Like he always does, he has done full justice to the role of a typical Indian father who loves his son so much that he does not hesitate to act strictly with him.Like our parents would ask us to study instead of playing, he is the same.It’s not that he does not believe in his son’s dreams but he is worried about the security of his future.But once his son finds his destiny, it is the father who is happier than his son.
Kiara Advani and Disha Patani :
They have played their character decently.
Disha Patani- “Apka naam?”
Sushant- “Kal TV pe dekh lijiyega mam.”
Are you still thinking about what to do????
Get up and GOOOOO WATCH IT….It’s an inspirational and a must watch.You will get to see such side of Dhoni that will make you love and respect him even more.Especially the haters must watch.I can’t believe that a guy like Dhoni can have haters.After watching this movie I am sure they will turn into his admirers.It’s full PAISA VASOOL.
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