Coimbatore: On the occasion of Maha Shivratri, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given a precious gift to inaugurate 112 ft Shiva statue ‘Adiyogi’ in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. He unveiled 112 ft statue of Lord Shiva’s face or ‘Adhiyogi’ at Isha Foundation, about 25 km from Coimbatore on Maha Shivratri, on Friday,24 Feb 2017. With the inauguration of the statue, he also expressed speciality and strength of the Indian culture.
The Isha Yoga Center’s founder Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev has come into limelight for its night-long celebrations.The inauguration event has been held on an international scale, with more than two lakh people attending, and over five crore devotees being part of inauguration through 28 television channels.
After unveiling a 112 ft Shiva statue Adiyogi, While appreciating the ancient Indian discipline of yoga, Narendra Modi called for efforts to protect nature. Modi said, “This Maha Shivaratri 2017 symbolises a spirit of vigilance, that we should protect nature and mould our activities in sync with our ecological surroundings,”.
Modi especially said Lord Shiva is everywhere and mentioned his sons Kartikeya, Ganesha and the bull, peacock, mouse that were the vehicles of Lord Shiva and his sons. He also referred to the venomous snake Vasuki curled around Shiva’s neck to underline the importance of peaceful coexistence.
Meanwhile, About 500 people from various organisations demonstrated against Modi during the visit of Prime Minister. When Pm Narendra Modi going to unveil 112 ft Shiva statue, some protesters released black balloons in the air. While they were protesting against Modi, Police arrested them on the spot. They blamed to the Isha Yoga Center that this foundation encroached the land of tribal land and protested against Modi ‘police said’.
यहां एक तहसीलदार कार्यालय के सामने किए गए प्रदर्शन में उन्होंने केरल द्वारा भवानी नदी पर चेक डैमों का निर्माण कार्य रोकने की खातिर केंद्र के दखल की मांग भी की. द्रविड़ कड़गम, टीपीडीके, टीएमसी, एमडीएमके, वीसीके, आरवाईएफ, एसडीपीआई और फेडरेशन ऑफ तमिलनाडु फार्मर्स असोसिएशन सहित कई संगठनों के करीब 500 कार्यकर्ताओं ने प्रदर्शनों में हिस्सा लिया. पुलिस ने कहा कि इन सभी को गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया.