Death is the inevitable truth of life. It is said that the day of death of a person is decided even before he/she is born. Every living being who is born will die one day. Death is perhaps the greatest fear and the greatest mystery in the life of human beings. It is a well-known fact that we cannot escape death. But what after it? Every person has wondered at least once in their lifetime about what happens after we die. Is death the end of everything? Or is it a beginning of something new? Is there a life after death? Will we be reincarnated in human form? Such questions often keep on tickling our curiosity. In every religion, there is a concept of heaven and hell where we, go after death based on our good or bad deeds. However, such questions are often meant to be beyond our understanding. Something which is meant to be forbidden for human knowledge.
In Garuda Purana, Lord Vishnu has told about what happens to the soul after death.
In this article, we will tell you about what happens after we die as mentioned in the Garuda Puran. Garuda Puran is a holy text in Hindu religion written by saint Ved Vyasa. Garuda Puran gives a detailed account of the incidents which happens after death. Whenever anyone dies in Hindu religion, there is a ritual that the relatives of the dead listen to Garuda Puran. Lord Vishnu has revealed many secrets about death in this book. We will tell you some of the interesting facts written in Garuda Puran.
Hindu religion recognizes the existence of heaven and hell. Those who have done good things in life are taken to heaven while those who were indulged with evil during their lives are taken to hell.
Those with good deeds go to heaven while those with bad deeds suffer in hell.
Those who go to heaven are accompanied by angels and those who are destined to hell are accompanied by Yamdoot (messengers of death). But before that, the soul of the dead is taken to “Yamlok” (home of God of death) where “Yamraj” (God of death) judges the soul on the basis of its sins.
Yamraj is the God of Death in Hindu mythology.
The detailed description of how life goes to Yamlok after death is explained in Garuda Purana. It also explains how a soul leaves the body at the time of death and how after “Pind Daan” ( a ritual performed after death to free the soul from earthly attachments) the soul takes the shape of a ghost.
According to Garuda Purana, a person who is about to die is not able to speak no matter how hard he tries. During the last moments, a person goes through self-realization and a divine light is produced inside of him which helps him to understand this world as a whole. All the senses of the person stop working and he becomes like a stone, unable to move. Foam starts coming out of the mouth of the dying person along with saliva.
the appearance of Yamdoot is terrifying and it shows no mercy to the soul.
It is said that the soul of a sinful person leaves his body from the lower part of the body. When a person is about to die, two “Yamdoot” (messengers of death) come to him. Their appearance is terrifying. They face is frightening with big red angry eyes and they have very big nails which are their weapon. They have crow like hair and remain naked and holds a “Paash Dand” (lance) in their hands. They keep on clattering their teeth.
Yamdoot captures the soul of a person.
This sight of Yamdoots is so terrifying that the person starts urinating and excreting in fear on seeing them. At that moment, a spiritual being ( which is of the size of a thumb) comes out of the body of the person chanting the words “Ha Ha”. The Yamdoots capture that being and take it away.
Yamraj decided the fate of the soul according to its good or bad deeds.
They capture the being with a “Paash” (a type of rope with a loop) and take it to Yamlok. They drag the being like the police drag a prisoner. On the way to Yamlok, the Yamdoots threaten the being when it gets tired. They don’t allow it to rest. They tell it about the horrible punishments of hell that will be inflicted on it. The being gets scared and starts crying on hearing about them. But the Yamdoots show no mercy on him.
The being keeps on walking shivering and scared of Yamdoots on the path to Yamlok. It remembers all the sins it has committed in his life.
The soul of teh sinner has to endure pain and suffering in hell.
The journey to Yamlok is very painful for the soul. The air is very hot and the sand on which the being is walking burns like fire. It also feels thirsty and hungry. When it is unable to move forward anymore, then the Yamdoots lashes on its back and makes it move forward. It loses its consciousness and falls many times but has to get up again and keep walking. The Yamdoots takes the soul through the dark path to the Yamlok.
Cruel punishments are inflicted on the soul of the sinner in hell.
After reaching Yamlok, the Yamdoots inflict the punishments of hell on the soul on the order of Yamraj. After this the Yamraj allows the soul to go back to its home.
When the soul returns to its home it tries to re-enter its dead body but is not able to as it is bound by the Yamdoots. It starts crying because of hunger and thirst. Even the donations made by the children of the dead fails to give satisfaction to the soul of a sinner. Suffering from hunger and thirst, the soul returns to Yamlok.
Some souls take the form of a ghost and wander aimlessly.
If the children of the dead sinner do not perform the “Pind Daan” then the soul takes the form of a ghost and roams in a lonely forest in sadness.
According to Garuda Purana, after the death of a person, “Pind Daan” must be done for 10 days. “Pind daan” is divided into four parts. The two parts are for the fulfillment of five elements of the body, the third part is consumed by the Yamdoot and the fourth part is for the “Pret” (ghost). The Pind Daan on the 9th day forms the body of the ghost and the 10th day Pind Daan gives the body the power to walk.
After the dead body of a person is burnt, a new spiritual body which is of the size of the hand is formed. It receives the rewards and punishments on the way to Yamlok according to its deeds.
On the first day of “Pind Daan” the head is formed. Likewise, neck and shoulders from the second day, heart from the third day, back from the body of the fourth day, navel from the fifth day, waist and lower part of the sixth and seventh day and feet from the eighth day are formed. On the ninth and tenth day, the ghost starts to feel hunger and thirst. On the eleventh and twelfth day, the ghost eats and drink.
The Yamdoots captures the ghost on the thirteenth day like a monkey. From there on the ghost has to travel to the Yamlok alone. It takes 47 days for it to reach there.